Written by 9:10 am Charity

Stephen Curry makes young Warriors dream come true.

South LA teen battling cancer meets his NBA idol, Stephen Curry, at Staples Center. I was there and this change the way I look at life. We Take Our Health For Granted Every Day.  There are large illnesses that affect some, and small illnesses that come and go throughout the seasons. It is the deadly ones that affect everyone, Cancer!!

Your Health Is Soo Precious. Don’t Ever Forget It!!!!

Seeing children battling cancer is the most scariest thing ever if you have children. I pray for my children everyday and also keep others who are battling illness in my prayers. Sickness and especially cancer is not easy on families. Seeing little Jaylen happy to meet Stephen Curry was a blessing itself. I was there for his room reveal and shot the video above and what a humbling experience. Editing this video was also hard. I want to see this young man beat this deadly diseases and cancel all the assignment of the enemy. If you enjoy watching this video, simply click on the link below to learn about the organization that made this happened.

‘Imagine Me’ Bedroom Makeovers were created by BrittiCares to create a space of hope for kids battling cancer. To help create more smiles and fulfil more dreams, please share this video and make a donation at www.BrittiCares.org

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